Awakening Humanity to Christ Consciousness

Unlock the simple and precious Keys of Wisdom with your heart. Truly integrate this wondrous wisdom in your daily life to become, in this now moment, your Divinity incarnate. ~~ The Lemurian Goddess - Telos Card.


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Workshops (16 products)

1st Ray Integration – the Power of Blue Flame Love to Awaken your Authentic Voice - Golden Dragon
25.00 $
2024 Mount Shasta summer Initiatic Journey - August 2-10, 2024 -Come Reconnect with your Divine Lemurian Roots - 2nd Payment
400.00 $ (including taxes)
Concert Webinar: Becoming One with your Christ Presence - Elohim Astrea and Purity
Author : Nancy Fuoco
25.00 $
New Pure sound webinar and Divine Union Journey: Ignite the sweet flame of Freedom within your heart
Author : Nancy Fuoco
25.00 $
New pure sound Webinar: Living your Soul’s Purpose – Resurrecting your Divine Blueprint of Creation - Flame of Resurrection
25.00 $ (including taxes)
New Webinar with pure sounds: Connecting to the Vortex and Pure Heart Frequency of Shasta and Telos
Author : Nancy Fuoco
22.00 $
New Webinar: Integration of the Lemurian Goddess within - in the Radiance of the Turquoise and Magenta Ray
25.00 $ (including taxes)
New Webinar: Mahatma: Cosmic Avatar - Synthesis of Light to open to a higher consciousness
Author : Nancy Fuoco
28.00 $ (including taxes)
Online Pure Light Transmission and Sound Journey - Connecting to the Magical World of the Fairy Realm
Author : Nancy Fuoco
25.00 $ (including taxes)
Powerful New Course: Archangel Michael’s Magical Flame of Empowerment and Protection
Author : Nancy Fuoco
100.00 $ (including taxes)
Reiki of the Fairy Realms - Connecting to the Magical World
Author : Nancy Fuoco
110.00 $ (including taxes)
V - New Webinar: Integration of the supreme joy and multidimensional consciousness of the Flame of Illumination (2nd Ray) Opening to become a channel for higher light
Author : Nancy Fuoco
25.00 $ (including taxes)
V - Online Webinar: Opening to the Lemurian Heart through the portal and ageless purity of your Crystalline Heart
Author : Nancy Fuoco
25.00 $
V - Online Webinar: Twin Flame Love and Divine Union - Harmonisation of Masculine and Feminine Energies
Author : Nancy Fuoco
25.00 $
V - Special Webinar: Recharge your Sense of Will Power – within the Fires of your Inner Dragon
Author : Nancy Fuoco
25.00 $
V - Webinar: Creative Energy of the Lemurian Goddess and the Flame of Resurrection
Author : Nancy Fuoco
25.00 $

> Refund policy

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Webinars, Ascension Ceremonies and Channeled Texts
Welcome dear Lemurian brothers and sisters!
Note: Monthly Worldwide Prayer Circles which are offered in English every first Sunday of the month.
Our series of webinars based on Telos and the Lemurian teachings are ongoing throughout the summer.
Channeled texts can also be accessed in our mulitmedia section.
Stay tuned for our new video section!
To stay informed on all of our activities, sign up to our email newsletter by clicking the
" Newsletter " button at the top
of this page.


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