Awakening Humanity to Christ Consciousness

The return of the magical lives that you are all yearning to find again can only be the result of Divine Union; your level of Oneness with all of Life. ~~ Antharus - Telos Card


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New Pure sound webinar and Divine Union Journey: Ignite the sweet flame of Freedom within your heart

Author : Nancy Fuoco
25.00 $

Pure sound webinar and Divine Union Journey:
Receive a cleansing Violet Flame Transmission of Love

Ignite the sweet Flame of Freedom within your Heart
~~ to Transform your Relationships and live Spiritual Freedom

Welcome all to this new pure sound journey that was conceived as an online energy session to release the energies of the past that have kept you from enjoying pure emotional bliss in your relationships. The Violet Flame contains an alchemy that transmutes karma and rebalances it into inner and outer harmony as well as a perfect equilibrium of masculine and feminine energies. In order to burn (and liberate) the walls of discontent and protection around the heart, we will receive in particular an infusion of the sacred feminine to ignite the grail cup within, the sacred chalice of the divine feminine in your heart. This sweet and unprotected vibration can elicit you to let go of the protections you have placed around your heart and open to receive more love, tenderness and affection… this sweeter love can also take many shapes in your life such as a kind gesture, an unexpected gift of abundance in your life or even good luck…

Many people go through their lives never truly experiencing the full satisfaction that one can achieve from a heart that is totally open to receiving pleasure and giving spontaneous gestures of joy, we remain stuck in role playing that are either detrimental or not fully pleasurable. We yearn to achieve the spiritual freedom to love that we knew well in the times of Lemuria and Atlantis. In this online transmission of pure love, boosted by the sacred fires of the Violet Flame, we will work with the ascended Master Goddess Lady Nada (Mary Magdalene), Adama (the great Master of the Heart) and the Alchemy Masters of the Violet Flame, Master St. Germain and Quan Yin.

This online presentation will include:

  • Lemurian Light Language (that is often sung but sometimes spoken) Light language contains codes of light that can activate our cellular memories and bring deep soul gifts to the surface.

  • A cleansing of our endocrine glands for the equilibrium of our emotions and emotional health.

  • A channeled guided meditation and transmission of the Violet Flame for transformation and cleansing of relationship cords and karma…and more…

The pure sounds of over 12 alchemy crystal bowls, planet gongs, crystal chimes, the drum, all captured on an Apple computer to ensure enhanced sound diffusion as well as some beautiful illustrations made for the webinar.

Dates to choose from: (all Eastern Time Zone)

Saturday, April 8 – 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Saturday, April 15 – 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Monday, April 17 – 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Tuesday, April 25 – 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm

We will close the presentation with a short ascension ceremony prayer at the end of the webinar to assist us in integrating and manifesting the energies we received.

Webinar presented by:   Nancy Fuoco  -    Divine contribution:   25$*

Nancy Fuoco is an intuitive channel, sonotherapist and an experienced meditation facilitator. She has been offering workshops on emotional wellbeing, sound healing and therapeutic concerts for the last 20 years. As well as leading spiritual retreats in Mt. Shasta, CA, and in the Laurentians to evolve soul connection and opening to the inner Goddess, she has long pursued studies and taught on the subjects of Lemurian healing and reconnection, spiritual psychotherapy, sound healing and vocal therapy, rebirthing, crystal healing and understanding consciousness through the rays of light (color, sound and light therapy). To know more about her, you can visit her website at:

To register:

Visit the website of the foundation to pay by paypal, at the following address:  (once we have received payment, we will send you a reply email and the Zoom links to enter the webinar video room).

For any enquiries, you can send an email to:

Nancy at:    or the Foundation at:

Or call the foundation at:      514-695-6978


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