Awakening Humanity to Christ Consciousness

Your test now is to allow yourself to trust the divine again. Adama, Telos book.


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V - Webinar: Creative Energy of the Lemurian Goddess and the Flame of Resurrection

Author : Nancy Fuoco
SKU : LemuFeb2021
25.00 $

New Webinar

Integration of the Creative Energy of the Lemurian Goddess

Remembering the Great Power of the Divine Feminine within - with Flame of Resurrection

Join us for this very special communion with the Lemurian Goddess, allowing her to gracefully awaken your memories of the powerful creative energy of the Mother Goddess in all her forms, which we knew so well in the time of Lemuria. This divine source of creative energy that lies within your DNA has been waiting for a long time for a reactivation, opening to this source can empower you and inspire you to heal and balance the masculine and feminine energies of a multitude of past lives. We will call upon the powerful energy of the Amazon Goddesses from the time of Lemuria to motivate and guide us, as well as upon the energies of Mother Earth and of the Stars, Grandmother Moon and the Elements.

The integration of these energies can help us to anchor more profoundly the natural inner pride we felt for our divine feminine heritage, in communion with the Lemurian Mother Lioness that we had known, as a source of indefatigable and limitless creative energy. We will also call upon the Flame of Resurrection for a purification of our endocrine glands and to better anchor into our physical and cellular consciousness this great source of Love within us that is the Lemurian Goddess. * Webinar is open to both men and woman *

During this webinar we will do:

-- Short presentation, with images, and meditation to awaken and remember the Lemurian Goddess in all her forms.

-- Purification of our endocrine glands to better allow for the anchoring of our subtle bodies of light into the physical with the Flame of Resurrection.

-- Guided exercise with sounds to energize and cleanse the 2nd chakra (seat of feminine and sexual energy) as well as the 6th third Eye chakra (seat of intuition and wisdom).

-- Presentation and singing of a new lemurian chant to tap into the power of the divine feminine within us (singing stimulates the production of endorphins and hormones of well-being in our body).

-- *Ascension Ceremony, group version (as described in the Telos Books by Aurelia Louise Jones). This great tool to help us raise our vibration will come to conclude the webinar and assist us in integrating the frequencies as well as consecrates an ongoing commitment of love to ourselves. We ask that you have a glass of water (or apple juice) and a crystal next to you during the webinar which you will use during the Ascension Ceremony.

*Ascension Ceremony: powerful healing tool from Master St-Germain and others as described in Telos Book III). The Ascension Ceremony is a gift from Master St. Germain to assist us in our process of purification and re-unification with our total divinity. Each time we participate in this ritual, our magnetic field is imbued with the Flame of Ascension at the frequency level that can most assist us individually to raise our vibration in the moment. The Telos Foundation has been offering ascension ceremonies since 2004.

Webinar facilitated by:  Nancy Fuoco   •   Cost : 25$ *

Website with bio for Nancy Fuoco:      –     Website of the Telos Foundation:

To register:

*Once you have made your payment on the site of the Foundation at:

we will send you an email with the Zoom link and details for the webinar. For more information, you can send an email to Nancy at:    or by tel to the Foundation:  514-940-7746

Choice of presentation times for this webinar: (with registration, you can participate at more than one presentation) all (Eastern Time Zone – Montreal

Friday February 12, 2021 –  1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Saturday February 13, 2021 –  7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Wednesday February 17, 2021 –  7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Saturday February 27, 2021 –  1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Thursday March 4, 2021 –  7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.


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Webinars, Ascension Ceremonies and Channeled Texts
Welcome dear Lemurian brothers and sisters!
Note: Monthly Worldwide Prayer Circles which are offered in English every first Sunday of the month.
Our series of webinars based on Telos and the Lemurian teachings are ongoing throughout the summer.
Channeled texts can also be accessed in our mulitmedia section.
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