Awakening Humanity to Christ Consciousness

Do not hesitate to open the door into your soul’s depths and explore the fullness of your experiences and emotions. And do not hesitate, in a loving and supportive way, to hold the same place for another. ~~ Celestia - Telos Card

> Calendar > Workshops and Meditations > Telos Worldwide Prayer and Ascension Circle - Lemurian Activation

Telos Worldwide Prayer and Ascension Circle - Lemurian Activation

Monthly Telos Lemurian Worldwide Prayer Circle
~ with Ascension Ceremony and
Lemurian Activation

Sunday, May 5, 2024: 1:30 pm to 2:45 pm (Eastern Time)
May Theme:
Opening to the Lemurian Heart and deep Connection to the Lemurian Goddess
Zoom Link to enter presentation room:
Join us in these important times to create a sacred space of prayer, meditation and toning to raise our vibration and send a cleansing and uplifting light of Love, Grace, Compassion and Harmony all around the world.
By gathering kindred Lemurian hearts, we will meditate with the prayers from Telos and the Seven Sacred Flames. While connecting to the pure and infinitely joyful light of the Lemurian heart, we will create a circle of love and light to unify all hearts now ready to return home to the eternal and unlimited source of Divine Love within.
During our hour together, we will do: 
~~ Prayers for world cleansing will be read in a meditative manner while others will be sung (sometimes with joyful heart-opening Lemurian chants)
~~ Meditation (energetic exercise) to attune and cleanse the chakras
~~ Prayers for personal and family purification
~~ Ending with a guided meditation for planetary healing and unity, in connection with Adama and our Telos family.
* The Prayer Circle is free and is held on Zoom, if you’d like to participate click on the Zoom link above.

**Please have on hand a glass of pure water as well as a clear quartz crystal that you have consecrate for the ascension ceremony.
*** If this is the first time you are using Zoom, it will ask you to download a small file, when the download is complete (this takes barely 30 seconds) the meeting room should download automatically. You may need to play with your sound settings once you are connected to the room.
For any questions please email Nancy at:
or the Telos Foundation at:

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Webinars, Ascension Ceremonies and Channeled Texts
Welcome dear Lemurian brothers and sisters!
Note: Monthly Worldwide Prayer Circles which are offered in English every first Sunday of the month.
Our series of webinars based on Telos and the Lemurian teachings are ongoing throughout the summer.
Channeled texts can also be accessed in our mulitmedia section.
Stay tuned for our new video section!
To stay informed on all of our activities, sign up to our email newsletter by clicking the
" Newsletter " button at the top
of this page.


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