Awakening Humanity to Christ Consciousness

Surrender to the power of your true identity. Will you dare to trust this part of yourself that you have denied? El Morya*

> Calendar > Workshops and Meditations > Pure sound online meditative journey - Power of Blue Flame Love and Golden Dragon

Pure sound online meditative journey - Power of Blue Flame Love and Golden Dragon

Series of webinars on the Seven Sacred Flames

1st Ray Integration – the Power of Blue Flame Love

To Awaken the Authentic Voice

~ assisted by the action of Divine Will and the fires of the Golden Dragon

 Those born on the 1st ray are beings who are leaders and way showers, burning through life on the strength of their convictions. Though we are not all born on the 1st ray, throughout our lives we often must return to the initiations of this ray to strengthen our trust and purpose: such as surrendering to Faith and believing in our inner guidance, self-confidence, opening our expression to the true voice within. We need to integrate the pure energy of each ray of light and the total integration of this great flame is essential to our development. The more we have integrated this flame, the more we will feel filled with the powerful energy of Life itself, to fuel our energy levels, stand up for ourselves and revitalize our voices. When this flame is insufficient in our biology, we lack the energy, discipline, and motivation to know the next step in our spiritual path.

In this webinar, we will also call on the Golden Dragon, the fiery energy of this Great being, that we can find within us, can burn through any distortion or impediment to fully believing in ourselves and to honoring our voice and the voice of others. Though this fire will cleanse each chakra, we will focus particularly on the throat chakra. Refocusing our energies here can restore the balance of energy and will in our thyroid gland, resulting in an increase of energy and pure happiness.

Join us for a meditative and transformative journey, fully supported by therapeutic sound tools (such as alchemy crystal bowls (turquoise, rose quartz, aqua aura etc), chimes and gongs captured on an Apple computer to ensure enhanced sound diffusion), beautiful illustrations in powerpoint made for the webinar, channeled meditations and light language, the pure sound of the voice and guided intonations to open and vibrate the throat chakra as well as a short *ascension ceremony prayer at the end of the webinar. We will also be guided by Universal blue Ray Master Adama to cleanse and align our hearts expression through the pure power of alignment to our Divine Will and Diamond Heart.

Nancy Fuoco has been offering pure sound healing concerts and events since 2001, to read more about her background, you can visit her website at:

The resonance of pure sound can help to recalibrate our energy field, balance masculine and feminine energies, release old stagnant emotions and reawaken new insights and inspirations from deep within. Most of us only receive a small amount of pure clear sound in our daily lives; a daily wash in pure sound and light frequencies with positive intention can cleanse your energy field, release dense energies and fill you with a new clarity.

* This webinar includes an Ascension Ceremony Prayer (as described in the Telos Books by Aurelia Louise Jones and channeled from Master St. Germain as a healing tool to assist us in our process of purification and re-unification with our total divinity), in the personal (or simultaneous) version. The ascension ceremony prayer lasts approx. 5 to 7 min. and all will be followed by a short sound activation (10 min.) to enhance the integration of the energies of the webinar. We ask that you have a glass of water (or apple juice) and a crystal next to you during the webinar which you will use during the **Ascension Ceremony.

Webinar facilitated by:   Nancy Fuoco     -     Cost:   25$

Choice of presentation dates for the webinar: (All Eastern Time Zone - Montreal)

Friday, April 12, 7:30 to 9:15pm
Mardi, April 16, 7:30 to 9:15pm
Friday, April 19, 1:30 to 3:15pm
Sunday, April 21, 11:30 am to 12:45 pm


Make payment on the Paypal site of the Telos Foundation at:  

(Upon reception, you will be sent the Zoom link as well as other details for the webinar presentation).

For more information, send an email to:      or

Or call the foundation at: 514-626-3609

Warm Blessings, Nancy 

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Webinars, Ascension Ceremonies and Channeled Texts
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