Awakening Humanity to Christ Consciousness

See everything that presents itself in your life as an opportunity to align past karma and integrate the lessons you still need to learn. Serapis Bey, Telos book


Adama Adama

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Adama's Message for Christmas

Extract from Telos Book, vol. 2, page 15

In your heart, light the candle of knowingness that the Divine will prevail, and the victory is assured. 

The people on this planet have stood together by the millions and stated their intentions for peace, and so it shall be. You are marching across your planet demanding peace, and so it shall be. You have become the focus of the entire cosmos as we watch you, with love, intention and bravery, rise up against the tyranny on one world government, saying, “This far and no further; your day is done.” And the Creator in all of you co-Creators are smiling, saying, “At last they are waking up; let there be peace on Earth, and so it shall be.”

I am Adama.

Warm and luminous greetings to you from the people of Telos! Know that we are with you during these special days of planetary awakening.

I invite you, in this precious now moment, to focus your loving attention on your heart. This heart, so powerful and so luminous, that allows you to experience life in this dimension. This heart, my friends, is connected to the living Life network that nourishes and supports this dimension. This heart knows, this heart is aware of your life plan and especially, this heart trusts. It knows that it is on duty, at your service. It knows that it is at the service of love unfolding in this dimension. So, I, Adama, invite you to take a pause and contemplate your heart, to feel it; to feel its Light, its trust in Life and in you. Your heart beats 24 hours a day, prompted by the Love of the Source. This heart in you, recognizes you as the love consciousness that grows and experiences. Your heart is really the physical connection of the multi-dimensions that support life in this dimension.

Can you stop for a moment and feel the truth in these words?

My beloved children, Earth is going through a painful period for many but do not let yourself be duped by everything your news media report.

Right now, there is more compassion and more love than ever before on the entire earth. Humans are not made to fight and hate each other. The human heart aspires to love, respect and freedom; and this is true for every human on Earth. At this very moment, you are witnessing the awakening of humanity. Each of your brothers and sisters is in "his place" to participate in the creation of the New Earth. Some have chosen a more difficult path to produce an awakening in the heart of man. They are courageous and valiant souls.

I invite you, for the year 2019, to look beyond the appearances of this great planetary game. This heart in you trusts. Practice trusting and blessing. Bless all these events that will occur in 2019; bless the hearts of all your brothers and sisters who will participate in these events. Bless continuously and spread the Love Light of your heart. Trust your heart! It knows! It will teach you to see with the eyes of love and encouragement that make everything grow. Your heart is ablaze with Love; let it guide you and teach you. Learn to love it more and more each day and soon you will realize that this heart within you is none other than the presence of the Source One in you.

Children of the eternal Light, we of Telos send you all the Love of our heart. This heart that recognizes you and loves you deeply. May 2019 be a year of expansion and rebirth for each of you!

I am Adama. I carry the heart of Lemuria, I carry the Love that recognizes Love in each one of you.

Message received by D. Laberge on Dec 14th, 2018

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