Awakening Humanity to Christ Consciousness

To return to full consciousness, as a Divine Being, you must begin to turn the leadership over to the heart, and allow again the heart to rule, rather than the mind. ~~ Ahnahmar - Telos Card.


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Celebrating Aurelia - Ten years already!

Dear Friends and Lemurian Family, 

Today marks the 10th Anniversary since Aurelia Louise Jones’ transition into the light realms and 15 years since the release of her first book: “Revelations of the New Lemuria”. We still remember that first read, as well as the feedback of so many who were profoundly moved and excited by their reawakened memories of the Motherland of Mu and the long golden age they held so close to their hearts: Lemuria. Many over the years have been truly grateful for the guidance and wisdom which still to this day shine on every page with the light necessary to help lead many toward their true divine path and spiritual freedom. 

We will always remember Aurelia Louise Jones kindly for her dedication, playfulness, sense of humour and generosity. It was a joy and honor to have assisted her in the mission of spreading the Telos Teachings around the world. From the bottom of our hearts, Thank You Aurelia.

We would also like to thank another special person to us, Victoria Lee. Victoria entered Aurelia Louise Jones life in 2006 and greatly assisted her from then on. When Aurelia became ill in 2009, Victoria was the angel at her side to tend to her and ultimately to ensure that MSL Publishing remained alive so that the Telos books could continue to be available and distributed around the world. A heartfelt thank you to Victoria for her excellent caretaking of Aurelia’s legacy these past ten years and her work over the years. 

Below is an excerpt of Victoria's tribute to Aurelia Louise Jones, the Telos Teachings and You! :

Dear Friends of the Lemurian Heart...

This July, 2019, marks the 10th year since the passing of Aurelia Louise Jones, channel and author of The Telos Book Series and the beautiful resource The Seven Sacred Flames, along with it's companion booklets, Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames and The Ascension Flame of Purification and Immortality Many of you also enjoy Angelo's Messageand the "Drug Booklet".

Aurelia’s mission to share the messages from Telos and the Ascended Masters has opened the hearts of many over the years. Heart opening awareness, becoming more conscious in our daily lives, was and still is the purpose behind The Telos Book Series and The Seven Sacred Flames. Learning about Lemurian protocols and being given a mere glimpse of another way of life in another dimension shows us what is possible…not for our future, but for our Todays. Is it possible that this is what Ascension is…Truly Living the continuing evolution of our transformation?

Envisioning and embracing these principles gives us a clearer picture of who we are as we live consciously with compassion and open-heartedness in the world. We all have had some Aha! moment while reading the books or an inspirational card from the card decks. The key is to LIVE these transformational tools each day with focus and intention. All the messages and teachings encourage us to live the protocols of the fifth dimension NOW, not waiting for ascension to come at some point in the future.. It’s all right here right now… We have been given such an incredible opportunity to experience the opening of our hearts in the-every-now moments. We are the transformation we are seeking. We need not look further than our very own Self.

Celebrating YOU~

Because of each one of you, from all parts of the globe, the messages from Adama and the Ascended Masters continue to spread, inspire and open hearts to the beauty of who we are. The teachings open doorways and pathways to higher conscious awareness within, reminding us how to live as genuine human beings on this planet, and offering us incredible support and guidance as we learn to acknowledge our own voice of Truth, that leads us back to ourselves. Living in full transparency as an authentic Human Being is not only possible, it is who and what we are!

In a multitude of ways, these inspiring messages encourage us to Trust and Love ourselves unconditionally, without judgement, without prejudice, without attachment to old beliefs about ourselves. We can begin to embrace each new day, each new moment with renewed enthusiasm for the great Life and our participation in the Process.

Thank you to all of you who have sent your blessings of gratitude in celebration of Aurelia's books and her mission, as well as the wonderful Initiatic Journeys she created in Mount Shasta. Her teachings are tools for transformation and have assisted all of us in our journey back to ourselves, feeling the love and support from Adama and the Ascended Masters and Telos. 

Thank you for your continued support and sharing your beautiful hearts, your infinite Light.

Gratitude and Eternal Blessings,

Victoria Lee

Mount Shasta Light Publishing

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