Awakening Humanity to Christ Consciousness

The most challenging healing you have to do is to accept yourself totally, globally, unconditionally as a divine being. Hilarion*


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New Webinar: Opening the Heart to Cosmic Love - with the aid of the Crystals of the Rose Flame of Love

New Webinar Series
Crystals of the Seven Sacred Flames

New Webinar Series ~ Crystals of the Seven Sacred Flames

New Webinar with Pure Sounds:

Crystals of the Rose Flame of Cosmic Love - Opening to a Deeper Self Love
( * return of this webinar by request and with some additions)

Dates to choose from: (all times eastern Montreal Time Zone)

Friday, June 17 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m (Eastern Montreal Time Zone)
Saturday, June 25 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m (Eastern Montreal Time Zone)
Tuesday, June 28 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m (Eastern Montreal Time Zone)
Monday, July 4 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m (Eastern Montreal Time Zone)

Join us as we soul journey through the landscape of our hearts and souls to transform with the ageless and crystalline wisdom of the Rose Flame Crystals. With the assistance of our crystal guides (from Rhodochrosite to Nirvana Quartz etc..) we will purify the crystalline template for our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

Come experience a fun yet transformative webinar to light the fires of your sacred heart by opening to the Love and Vibration of your Lemurian Ancestors. They will speak to your heart through the form of the crystals representing the Rose Ray of Unconditional Love. When we open our hearts to the pure current of Love within us, we open ourselves to the grandness of the entire universe, for the power of that flame within unifies all Life and gives Life to all that is.

These crystalline vibrations can inspire us to better ourselves by activating certain cellular memories stored in our DNA. This whole and pure consciousness can assist us to remember the frequency of the Lemurian Heart that awaits within which can open the doors to more ease, joy and pleasure in our lives.

Activities of the webinar:

- A brief overview of the alchemy of the Rose Flame of Cosmic Love and how the integration of this ray can attract limitless love into your life and heal your relationships.

- Meditation with pure sound and voice to connect to the uplifting energy of Earth’s crystalline grid

- A deep meditation and journey with the energy and guidance of the crystal of the Rose Flame that have come to support our purification and transmission of energy relevant to our self development.

- And much more...

-- * Ascension Ceremony, group (simultaneous) version (as described in the Telos Books by Aurelia Louise Jones). This great tool to help us raise our vibration will come to conclude the webinar and assist us in integrating the frequencies as well as consecrates an ongoing commitment of love to ourselves. We ask that you have a glass of water (or apple juice) and a crystal next to you during the webinar which you will use during the Ascension Ceremony.

* Ascension Ceremony: powerful healing tool from Master St-Germain and others as described in Telos Book III). The Ascension Ceremony is a gift from Master St. Germain to assist us in our process of purification and re-unification with our total divinity. Each time we participate in this ritual, our magnetic field is imbued with the Flame of Ascension at the frequency level that can most assist us individually to raise our vibration in the moment. The Telos Foundation has been offering ascension ceremonies since 2004.

Webinar facilitated by:   Nancy Fuoco  -   Cost:   25$

Bio website for for Nancy Fuoco:

To register:

Make payment on the Paypal site of the Telos Foundation at:

(Upon reception, you will be sent the Zoom link as well as other details for the webinar presentation).

For more information, send an email to:     or

Or call the foundation at:  514-626-3609

Warm Blessings, Nancy

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Webinars, Ascension Ceremonies and Channeled Texts
Welcome dear Lemurian brothers and sisters!
Note: Monthly Worldwide Prayer Circles which are offered in English every first Sunday of the month.
Our series of webinars based on Telos and the Lemurian teachings are ongoing throughout the summer.
Channeled texts can also be accessed in our mulitmedia section.
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