Awakening Humanity to Christ Consciousness

Healing can be rapid if you reclaim ownership of your creations, if you accept them unconditionally. Hilarion*


Adama Adama

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Adama's message for Christmas

I am Adama. Joy fills my heart at the thought of uniting our hearts.

Dear children of the Light, celebrate those energies coming towards you right now. All Creation participates in this great adventure of returning Love and Peace to our beautiful Mother Earth. I invite you to consciously open your Heart to the energies that are poured on Earth right now. The more consciously you do this, the more you amplify the action of these energies in your Heart and in your life.

I invite you to believe, believe in the power of Love, believe in the power of a smile, believe in the transforming power presently in action in your world. This world that calls for Light, Peace and Love. The Love light forces are in action right now all over the Earth. These are the forces that will transform the Earth and the humans. These are the forces, my dear children, that will free you from the chains of fear, mistrust and suffering. I remind you that everything is energy, everything in Creation is energy and, who says energy, says Consciousness.

So, children of the active life power, stand up; stand tall and contemplate the Great Life in action in your world. It is doing an energetic clean up on the entire planet. Thousands of years old energies are being transmuted to allow the liberation of the Earth. This affects all aspects of your lives as well as the physical aspects of our dear Mother Earth. See the good that is unfolding and transforming the heart of the human. There is no disaster, there is no tragedy, you are witnessing the salvation of Life on Earth in your dimension. What could be more wonderful, what could be more powerful? The more you nurture this way of perceiving and observing, the more you align yourself with the revitalizing forces of Life in your world.

I invite you, in this exceptional holiday season for planetary consciousness, to stand tall and proclaim your faith and active participation in the forces of Love in this world. Each of you is a participant in the unfolding of the great canvas of the new Life on this Earth.

This season is the season of Love. I wish you active and powerful Love in your Heart. I wish you ardent and powerful Great life fire in your Heart. The birth of Christ, my dear children, is the celebration of your conscious rebirth to the greatness that you are. Children of the Light, shine from your Heart, from your life, from your words. Shine in your families, emanate this hope, this faith in a world of Peace and love. Children of the Christ Light, radiate that for which you have incarnated. Shine and know that your radiance helps to create the New World.

I place in your Heart, each of you, a petal of the Love flower of the Heart of Lemuria. Your faith, your love and your life are spreading the essence of Love all over the Earth. The living Christ has spoken with Eternal Love.

I am Adama, high priest of the Very High, in the service of Love.

Message received by D. Laberge on Dec. 8th, 2017

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