Awakening Humanity to Christ Consciousness

Surrender to the power of your true identity. Will you dare to trust this part of yourself that you have denied? El Morya*

Our Mission

The goal of this not-for-profit organization is to awaken humanity to Christ Consciousness and assist the Lemurian emergence on the planet. The vision of the Telos Foundation is that of a world where universal love unites all races and nations into one family, a world filled with everlasting peace and harmony in every area of the planet.

The destined time to create this new civilization is now. In this time of great planetary changes, everyone  has an increased possibility, as well as the responsibility, to become one with his higher self and to actively participate in the manifestation of this new world.

To assist in this development, the Telos Foundation spreads the teachings received from our Lemurian brothers and sisters. Teachings transmitted, among others, by Aurelia Louise Jones, author of Telos books.

The Foundation also assists people wishing to promote these teachings. It facilitates communication and establishes bridges of light between individuals and the Telos groups around the world.


Quote from Telos Volume 3:

"We, the Masters of Light, are offering you through the simple teachings in these books, all the keys you will ever need to make it all the way to your Ascension with Ease, Grace and Wonderment"

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Webinars, Ascension Ceremonies and Channeled Texts
Welcome dear Lemurian brothers and sisters!
Note: Monthly Worldwide Prayer Circles which are offered in English every first Sunday of the month.
Our series of webinars based on Telos and the Lemurian teachings are ongoing throughout the summer.
Channeled texts can also be accessed in our mulitmedia section.
Stay tuned for our new video section!
To stay informed on all of our activities, sign up to our email newsletter by clicking the
" Newsletter " button at the top
of this page.


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