Awakening Humanity to Christ Consciousness

The allowing of self-compassion moves you into the vibration of Grace. ~~ Adama - Telos Card

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Message from Adama for December - The Path of Total Surrender to Divine Will

Message from Adama for the month of December 2021       

The Path of Total Surrender to Divine Will, Love and Unity

Channeled message based on the following quote:

“ Focus on the Will of God for your very life, through total surrender to that Divine Will, whatever your present circumstances appear to be. As you align with God’s Will, you will notice that your life will manifest more harmony.”                                                                                                      ~~ Adama, The Telos Card Deck

Dear children of my eternal heart,

In this present moment, can you feel the pulse of the eternal one within you? Do you feel the Oneness in this moment, or the interconnectedness of all living beings? In this very moment all of creation, even eternity can be felt. In moments of deep connection, or meditation, you may feel and become more aware of this current of energy, the Great Living Light (or Life itself) is always moving within you, and unendingly creating from the inner sanctum of your thoughts, beliefs and unconscious emotions. This infinitely benevolent Light seeks to bring you Home yet must operate with the energy you hold within you, with all the lessons you have yet to learn whether negative or life affirming. Learning to flow with this energy, to trust what life is bringing you, to Love and accept each occurrence, no matter how difficult the situation may be, is the first and greatest initiation we all must pass. It is the initiation that can bring you home all the way to your divine heart.

We have all lived a great many lives learning through multitudes of creations of disconnection from the divine source of Love, in the name of this powerful earthly school we call Free Will. Many souls are now ready to return to Divine Union with the God Will that shines within them. Learning to reconnect to Divine Will can range from the greater initiations to more subtle ones. How much do you Trust Life ?  What is your level of commitment to your Divine Self ?  Each precious child on this planet is learning to become a responsible creator once more, to remember their true Worth in the Name of their Divine I AM.

Do you know how powerful a creator you are? And how much you create in your life day to day, and in each sacred moment ? Gautama Buddha realized himself when he totally surrendered his egoic nature to God, he practiced surrender to the divine present moment to such an extent that he could not only acknowledge but feel that all of the world was within him and, therefore, he was everywhere in the world. He chose Love in the face of everything he encountered until one day he totally subjugated the voices of the ego and achieved Oneness with the consciousness of the God Flame that shone in his heart. He realized how powerful that creative force of Love was and how Grand he truly was and there was no limit to the possibilities before him. What he achieved is also possible for you.

However, reconnecting with Divine Will is a process. Are you moving forward with Grace and confidence on your spiritual path and if not, where do you feel you are stuck and not advancing? Do you feel you are more coping or reacting to Life’s situations and not creating from the Divine masterly source within you?

Know that there is a plan that has been set for you before your birth, a divine plan, each one of you has a map, a destiny that you each must follow and this oftentimes without your full knowing. We all follow our destiny, decision by decision, yet the quality of each decision that is based on the Will of your heart will dictate how quickly you succeed on your path. When we deviate from our soul’s true path, often caused by a desire of the lower will or a fear, a delay in you achieving your soul’s potential can occur as well as suffering down the line. When you are on your right path, you are also fulfilling the Greater Divine Plan and the world will respond by rewarding you with a tremendous amount of support and divine serendipity. The law of attraction will operate in your favor with a feeling that you are in the right place at the right time, meeting those you need to as well as a feeling that your efforts are being uplifted on wings of ease and grace. When in harmony with your Divine Will’s intent, your heart will sing songs of happiness and your world will be filled with Divine Beauty and order.

For some, in order to come to a place of complete surrender, they need to lose almost everything else in their lives. This is how they divest themselves of their ego, the path of surrender is the redemption and the only way to totally place themselves in the hands of their Divine Will. When you decide to believe in your God Self, and suspend doubt, it will never lead you in the wrong direction. Pay attention to the signs the world is offering you and practice full awareness. Sometimes finding the best way you can serve Life benevolently is a powerful way to ignite the sacred fires of your heart and can fill you with a divine purpose and inspiration. Pray for the motivation, courage and discipline that is necessary to burn through any any deep seated inner wounds, or judgements you may experience. Upon the moment of transcendence of a fear, you may realize that your fears were not as great as you thought they were and almost everyone who has moved through their fears fervently wish they had faced them earlier.

With all the love of your heart, ask again and again to be filled with Divine Faith and you will soon start to feel yourself become more aligned to your Divine Will then to your ego’s limited way of perceiving. You are worthy of the Divine help you are asking for. Your true spiritual path beloveds is actually a narrow one and cultivating discernment is needed to know the right choices to take. While your ego may offer you many choices, your heart will show you only one.

It is also very important to let go of the need to know what will happen tomorrow or further down the path of your future and trust in what you are living in each present moment in your life, and create from that point. We are presently living through an unprecedented time in humanity’s evolution and many belief systems and ways of seeing the world are dissolving and being replaced by new paradigms. Like never before we are being tested for our level of Love, Faith and Unity.

In Telos and the higher dimensions we monitor the earths’ progress very closely, and even though it may not seem so, the earth is moving into a new vibration and is being liberated from much dense energy. Each facet of the pandemic we are experiencing is a projection of our planetary collective karma, it serves a purpose in the divine plan, and in the personal plan of every child on earth. A new world is being created moment by moment in the etheric realm, and is awaiting the right divine timing, when humanity is ready, to come down to be assimilated in our world. We are creating this new world together, it is very important to focus on what you would like to see and experience in the world, and as you fill it with kindness, harmony, tolerance, love for all, good will, truth and peace, that is what will prevail on earth.

As the season of Christmas approaches, you can feel the energy of purity and love in the atmosphere as the energy of the Christ Flame is celebrated and powerfully available on Earth at this time. Know that no matter your spiritual heritage, you are not alone on your path and if you are in need of an uplifting energy call on the company of heaven and your spiritual family in Telos, we will answer and surround you with enough bright light to illuminate your entire world and consciousness.

In the name of an invincible Heart, I AM Adama

Message received by Nancy Fuoco on December 1, 2021

* Please note that any text taken from this message for any other publications must have approval from the Telos Worldwide Foundation and the author as well as acknowledge the source of the material. Thank You *


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