Awakening Humanity to Christ Consciousness

Your test now is to allow yourself to trust the divine again. Adama, Telos book.


Adama Adama

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The Foundation is a non-profit organization and all the donations are used to promote the Telos teachings. The Telos Worldwide Foundation appreciates your gesture.

Online Therapeutic Sound Concert Becoming One
Complete list
Initiatic Workshops

Shasta 2024 Initiatic Journey - Reconnecting
More details

Pure sound online meditative journey - Power of Blue Flame Love and Golden Dragon

Series of webinars on the Seven Sacred Flames 1st Ray Integration – the Power of Blue Flame Love To Awaken the Authentic Voice ~ assisted by the action of Divine Will and the fires of the Golden Dragon Those born on the 1st ray are beings who are leaders and way showers, burning through life on the strength of their convictions. Though we are not all born on the 1st ray, throughout our lives ...


Webinar with pure sounds: Integration of the supreme joy of the Flame of Illumination (2nd Ray) Opening to become a channel for higher light

New Webinar with pure sounds: Integration of the supreme joy and multidimensional consciousness of the Flame of Illumination (2nd Ray) Opening to become a channel for higher light When you become One with the radiant and miraculous Flame of Illumination you may come to feel an expansion and opening of your Consciousness, a sense of omniscience and being perfectly centered in All that Is. And this ...


New Webinar: Purification within the Turquoise Flame and the Lemurian Goddess

New webinar: Come lighten your heart within the creative energy of the Lemurian Goddess and the Turquoise Flame (9th ray) For an infusion of joy in expressing your spiritual Truth Come flow in the vibrations of the Lemurian Goddess, allowing this pure and high divine feminine energy to boost and deepen your voice as well as you connection to yourspiritual truth. This energy can shine a light on an ...

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Webinars, Ascension Ceremonies and Channeled Texts
Welcome dear Lemurian brothers and sisters!
Note: Monthly Worldwide Prayer Circles which are offered in English every first Sunday of the month.
Our series of webinars based on Telos and the Lemurian teachings are ongoing throughout the summer.
Channeled texts can also be accessed in our mulitmedia section.
Stay tuned for our new video section!
To stay informed on all of our activities, sign up to our email newsletter by clicking the
" Newsletter " button at the top
of this page.


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