Awakening Humanity to Christ Consciousness

The most challenging healing you have to do is to accept yourself totally, globally, unconditionally as a divine being. Hilarion*

> Calendar > Workshops and Meditations > New pure sound and meditation journey webinar: Connecting to the Vortex and Pure Heart Frequency of Shasta and Telos

New pure sound and meditation journey webinar: Connecting to the Vortex and Pure Heart Frequency of Shasta and Telos

New pure sound and meditation journey webinar:

Connecting to the Vortex and Pure Heart Frequency of Shasta and Telos

In this special webinar, join us to journey through time and space to receive waves of Love while forming a powerful heart connection to this great magical mountain. Mt. Shasta represents the Heart Chakra for our planet and Mother Earth, the love you feel here is tangible and can activate you to rediscover the cellular memories and Lemurian heritage deeply encoded within your DNA. During this webinar we will also journey through the elements (earth, water, wind/sky, fire, a special Mt. Shasta crystal and selected sacred sites) each one holding a key of transformation for you. Come join us to receive these inspirational energies and boost your potential for Love in this new year of Transformation and blossoming Unity. The webinar will end with a water purification blessing, please have on hand a glass of water for the invocation/divine elixir of love and light. *This webinar may be taken independently of the Shasta journey. Its intent is to be a purifying and uplifting webinar allowing for people to connect energetically to the energies.

The webinar includes beautiful powerpoint illustrations made for the webinar, a guided channeled meditation and lemurian light language. The pure sounds of the instruments are captured on the Apple computer to ensure enhanced sound reception. The pure sound instruments include alchemy crystal bowls such as an emerald, rhodochrosite, turquoise, rose quartz, aqua aura and laughing Buddha bowl; also included are a Venus gong, a crystal harp, chimes, a crystal pyramid as well as the sounds of the resonant voice.

Nancy Fuoco has been offering pure sound healing concerts since 2001, to read more about her background, you can visit her website at:

The resonance of pure sound can help to recalibrate our energy field, balance masculine and feminine energies, release old stagnant emotions and reawaken new insights and inspirations from deep within. Most of us only receive a small amount of pure clear sound in our daily lives; a daily wash in pure sound and light frequencies with positive intention can cleanse your energy field, release dense energies and fill you with a new clarity.

Dates to choose from: (all Eastern Time Zone)

Tuesday, June 6 – 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Friday, June 9 – 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Friday, June 16 – 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Sunday, June 18 – 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm


Webinar facilitated by:   Nancy Fuoco    -   Cost:   22$ (*Special for this webinar)

Payment can be made on the Paypal site of the Telos Foundation at:

(Upon reception, you will be sent the Zoom link as well as other details for the webinar presentation).

For more information, send an email to:     or

Or call the foundation at:  514-626-3609


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Webinars, Ascension Ceremonies and Channeled Texts
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Note: Monthly Worldwide Prayer Circles which are offered in English every first Sunday of the month.
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