Awakening Humanity to Christ Consciousness

Journey with us into the crystal heart of your soul. Envision a glowing center that resides behind your heart and transmutes energy in undulating, pulsating waves throughout your body and into the energy field of the Earth. ~~ Galatril - Telos Card

Aurelia Louise Jones

Born in the province of Quebec, Aurelia Louise Jones first started to work in Montreal as a nurse. She soon reoriented her career towards the field of alternative medicine, and worked as a naturopath and homeopath for a great number of years. During that time, she expanded her holistic approach to health including care for animals, which she dearly loved and respected.

In 1989, after a long stay in Ottawa (Canada), Aurelia moved to Montana in the United States. One day, she received telepathic guidance from Adama and the High Council of Telos to move to Mount Shasta and to prepare for a mission with them, which eventually became the major aspect of her life’s work. She moved to Mount Shasta in June 1998.

Channelling Adama became an important part of her mission. The Telos books are based on the Lemurian teachings received during these channellings. Their goal is to assist each human being on the planet to awaken their heart and their Christ consciousness.

In these books, we can find a vivid description of the life in the fifth dimension as well as numerous tools helping us achieve that level of evolution.

Aurelia founded Mount Shasta Light Publishing in order to publish and distribute her books which are now sold throughout the world in many languages. You can visit our website and click on the link Shop for a complete list of her books and their contents.

In her desire to spread the Lemurian teachings, Aurelia Louise Jones gave conferences internationally. Thousands of people in Quebec, France, Belgium, Switzerland and French Polynesia have participated in these events. They were magic moments! Everyone could feel the energies of our Telosian brothers and sisters who always accompanied her on these occasions.

Aurelia also organized initiatic journeys to Mount Shasta during the summer season. The participants experienced a privileged contact with the wonderful energies of Telos, and those of the majestic sacred mountain. In these journeys, a great number of people felt their reconnection with their Lemurian roots. Initiatic journeys are still organized in Mount Shasta, for more information consult

On July 12th 2009, Aurelia Louise Jones made her transition to the Worlds of Light. Her inspiration is guiding the Telos groups, and the planetary service she initiated continues.

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Webinars, Ascension Ceremonies and Channeled Texts
Welcome dear Lemurian brothers and sisters!
Note: Monthly Worldwide Prayer Circles which are offered in English every first Sunday of the month.
Our series of webinars based on Telos and the Lemurian teachings are ongoing throughout the summer.
Channeled texts can also be accessed in our mulitmedia section.
Stay tuned for our new video section!
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